How much is too much to pay for a round of golf?

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The article below was written by Steve Carroll of National Club Golfer. Visitor green fees have been rapidly rising ever since the Covid barriers came down. But, asks Steve Carroll, are we in danger of pricing the domestic golfer out of an experience, and will it come back to hurt the industry? What’s the value… Read more »

Why is new golf gear so expensive?

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The article below was written by Steve Carroll of National Club Golfer. With drivers upwards of £500 and iron sets passing £1,000, the price of new equipment is a constant debate for club golfers. On The NCG Golf Podcast, Hannah Holden put the figures into context. New drivers, irons, putters: the big equipment brands are… Read more »

Is scratch golf as unachievable as we think?

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The article below was written by Hannah Holden of National Club Golfer. Scratch golf is seen as something only achievable for seriously skilled golfers, who make no mistakes out on the course, but is that really the case? Lots of us have aspirations to play scratch golf. But what does it actually take to get… Read more »