If you put the time in on your long game, you can reap the dividends when you’re out on the course. A fast and powerful golf swing will increase the distance of your tee shots and improve your work on the fairways.
But what can you do to boost your golf swing speed? In this blog, we’ll look at how to increase golf swing speed through exercise, practice and technique.
How to increase golf swing speed

Increase your flexibility
You know the feeling. You step out onto the course and feel good and loose. Your swing feels easy, but it’s fast and powerful too.
Being loose and in the zone might feel like a state of mind, but your flexibility has a huge part to play in this as well. And you can work on your flexibility before and in between your golf sessions. Stretching exercises that target your shoulders, hips and back are key to get warmed up properly and increase your flexibility before you play. Check out some of these golf warm up exercises to do before your next round.
You should also try and build yoga or Pilates into your regular workouts and exercise routines too. If you’re new to yoga and don’t fancy a class, Yoga with Adriene on YouTube is a great place to start. She even has videos dedicated to yoga for golfers.
Boost your strength
A lot of swing speed is down to technique and putting the hours in on the driving range and course, but the gym helps too. Strength training like squats, the Superman, the leg swing, and the hip crossover will help increase your strength in your back, neck, shoulders, core and hip muscles.
More strength = more speed and more power.
Lucky for you, this helpful blog also details how you can do each of these exercises and how to incorporate them into your routine.
Work on your technique

It makes sense that your swing technique plays a pivotal role in the speed of your swing. This is where you can put the hours in on the driving range or course. But it also a good idea to spend some time with the pro at your local club to check on your technique.
Stance, alignment and follow-through will all play their part. Get them right and you’ll up your swing speed in no time.
Choose the right golf ball

There’s no point just grabbing any ball and hoping for the best. Choosing the right ball can have an impact on your swing speed. For example, distance golf balls will fly off the tee and quickly increase your swing speed. Just remember, they might not be the best on the green, so you’ll likely need a little compromise.
Test them out on the driving range and putting green to see which balls bring the right balance to your long and short games.
Get the right clubs
You want clubs that work for you and your individual golf game. Anything too long or too heavy will reduce your speed and power. But you want a little bit of weight, too, for that increased power and speed in your swing.
Again, it can be a delicate balancing act. If you’re willing to invest in your golf game (and let’s face it, who isn’t?) custom-fitted clubs will likely be the way to go. You’ll get your swing analysed, with clubs custom-fitted to match your swing, style and game. Winner.
Improve your grip

Again, this is something a quick session with a golf pro or coach can help you fix.
With the right grip, you can significantly boost both the speed and power of your golf swing. If you hold it too tightly, you’re potentially restricting yourself, but too loose and you can’t get enough purchase. A firm, but relaxed grip is the sweet spot.
Get this right and it’s one of the main building blocks of a faster swing.
Create a smooth rhythm and tempo
If your rhythm and tempo are a little erratic, it likely won’t create sufficient shaft load at the top of your swing. This in turn leaves you with little to release on the downswing. By creating a consistent rhythm and tempo, you’ll get a smoother transition from the top down. This should enhance the speed and power of your swing.
Often counting from the time you set up to the time you finish your swing can help create consistency with your swing, too. Build this into your practice on the driving range and it will soon become second nature on the course.
Get your diet in order

Yes, we all deserve a splurge in the clubhouse after a strong round but you really need to consider your diet to increase that all-important swing speed. If you’re training in the gym, doing yoga and working hard on the driving range, you need to fuel your body with the right things too. That way, you’ll reap the benefits of your hard work.
Always keep hydrated before you play and out on the course. Soluble electrolytes are always good to have in your water bottle during 18 holes. When it comes to nutrition, aim for a balanced diet rich in lean proteins, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. This will help increase muscle strength and aid recovery.
Now you know what to do to improve your swing speed, it’s time to put our helpful tips into practice.